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How to identify when your AC needs a service

Common Issues

  • Flow of Air has reduced

    if you feel that the speed/pressure of air coming out of the AC has reduced then it can be due to many reasons including damage by rats, broken pipe, inefficient motor or old filters that are clogged up

  • Reduced cooling

    if you feel that even though the AC has been on for a long time you are still not getting the room cooled at a faster rate then it could be a issue of the compressor or low AC gas etc

  • Noise

    Noise from AC can really stop you from going off to sleep or bother you when you are awake this can be due to many reason right from loose nuts and bolts to foreign objects in AC or broken parts in AC

  • Electricity bills shooting up

    AC contribute a lot to the electricity bill a sudden or gradual increase indicates that one of your power appliance including AC is not performing to its best

Though an AMC package can surely help you to keep your AC running best there are issues that can come up and will need a service. Book a service with us and leave your appliance trouble to us.